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21st February 2022 - Be on your guard for Storm Damage Rogue Traders

Be on your guard for Storm Damage Rogue Traders

The recent storms will inevitably have caused some damage to properties in the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) area. For this reason PPP would like to warn residents to be on their guard for rogue traders looking to make fast buck by offering to fix fencing, guttering and roofing at inflated prices following the recent storms.

Our Trading Standards team warn that the recent bad weather could provide an opportunity for rouge traders to prey on desperate residents keen to fix their leaking roof or broken fences.

Rogue traders may cold call with such tactics as saying they’re already ‘working in the area’. The PPP trading standards team are reminding residents to be wary when approached in this way. Often genuine traders are booked up many weeks or months in advance so be wary of those cold calling looking for business who can start straight away. Always get recommendations of traders from your friends and family, or via trader approval schemes, and never feel pressured into agreeing for the work to be done there and then. You could end up paying far too much for the work or paying for work that doesn’t need doing at all.

Cllr John Harrison (Bracknell Forest), Chair of the Joint Public Protection Committee says “Residents should not feel pressured to agree for any type of work to be done on their home after an unsolicited knock at the door. It’s okay to say ‘no’.

Please also be wary of recommendations from unverified sources. It is often best to check with people you know who’ve used traders and not just names on a social media platform. Many platforms have verification processes for this. Finally if you are looking to make an insurance claim it is important to engage your insurance company before agreeing to any work. “

If you are concerned you may have been contacted by a rogue trader then please contact our trading standards team on 01635 519930 or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire