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26th May 2022 - BRACKNELL FOREST BOROUGH COUNCIL. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65 Hackney Carriage Fares.


Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65 Hackney Carriage Fares

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bracknell Forest Borough Council proposes to vary the table of fares chargeable in the Borough as set out in the table below:

Hackney Carriages – Table of Fares

The trade have requested an urgent review of the tariffs in light of the current cost of diesel and petrol.  Based on the business case submitted by a representative of the trade they are proposing that the maximum Hackney Carriage fare be increased from £6.80 for a two mile fare to £7.80 during Tariff 1 operating hours. Additional information is set out in the table below.

Customers should be aware that these charges are the MAXIMUM to be charged and any lesser fare can be agreed prior to commencement of the journey. Where the taxi is used for pre-booked journeys the fare shall be calculated from the point in the district at which the hirer commences his/her journey) (Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 sec. 67)

Tariff 1

Applies for any hiring when the journey commences between 07:00 and 23:00 Monday to Sunday

Initial Distance not exceeding 415 yards or part thereof

Initial Waiting Time of  122.96 seconds or a combination of time and distance £3.20

For each subsequent 135 yards or part thereof 20p

Waiting time for every period of  40 seconds or part thereof 20p



Waiting Time Per Hour

T1 = £20

T2 = £30

T3 = £40

Tariff 2

Applies for any hiring when the journey commences between 23:00 and 07:00 Monday to Sunday

Applies for hiring when the journey commences on Bank and Public Holidays

Applies for hiring when the journey commences on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 18:00 until  24:00

Initial Distance not exceeding not exceeding 415  yards or part thereof

Initial Waiting Time of  122.96 seconds or a combination of time and distance £4.80

For each subsequent 135 yards or part thereof 30p

Waiting time for every period of  40 seconds or part thereof 30p




Tariff 3

Applies for any hiring when the journey commences on Christmas Day through to 07:00 on Boxing Day

Initial Distance not exceeding not exceeding 415 yards or part thereof

Initial Waiting Time of  122.96 seconds or a combination of time and distance £6.40

For each subsequent 135 yards or part thereof 40p

Waiting time for every period of  40 seconds or part thereof 40p

Extra Charges


Fouling of vehicle interior £50 (no change)

Fouling of vehicle exterior £10 (no change)


When this vehicle is carrying more than 4 passengers, a surcharge of 50% will be applied to the fare shown on the meter at the end of the journey.


Any objections to or comments on the proposed variations should be submitted in writing to the undersigned by WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE 2022

A copy of the notice is available for public inspection by appointment during normal office hours at the Offices in Time Square Bracknell for 14 days from the 01 JUNE 2022.

The Executive, at its meeting on the 24 May 2022, considered the business case for the proposal to vary the existing table of fares put forward by the trade.  The Members agreed to go out to consult on the revised table of fares as set out above. The agenda and the meeting can be viewed here: https://democratic.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=102&MId=11152&Ver=4

If no objections to the revised table of fares are received or if those objections are withdrawn the revised table of fares will come into effect on the 16 June 2022.

If objections are received and not withdrawn the Executive will be asked to make a determination on any variations to the table of fares at their meeting on the 19 July 2022 . This will include a decision on a revised implementation date.

The outcome of the consultation will be reported to the Licensing and Safety Committee at their meeting on the 23 June 2022.

Sean Murphy

Public Protection Manager

Public Protection Partnership

Theale Library

Church Street


Berkshire RG7 5BZ

Email: PPPConsultations@westberks.gov.uk


See document here for details of above.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire