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21st July 2023 - Bracknell Stores Tested for Underage Vape Sales

Bracknell Stores Tested for Underage Vape Sales

Earlier this month our Trading Standards officers conducted under age sales testing for disposable vape sales in Bracknell Forest. 
We're delighted to report that in all 9 of the shops we tested, with our under age volunteer, no sales were made and ID was requested in each store. These stores all complied with their legal requirement of not selling vapes to anyone under the age of 18. 
If you're a retailer more resources are available here with regards to the legal requirements around vapes and vaping products sales, including posters you can display in your store. 
We would urge members of the public to report any retailers that they suspect or know are selling age restricted products illegally. You can contact our Trading Standards team on 01635 519930 or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire