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5th October 2021 - Bracknell trader issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice following a report of fly tipping at the garage blocks in Bracknell.

Bracknell trader issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice following a report of fly tipping at garage blocks in Bracknell.

An Officer from the Public Protection Partnership attended the location the waste was checked. The waste mainly consisted of garden waste, hedge trimmings and boxes of grass, together with other general household waste. On further inspection the Officer found a cardboard box which had a business address label attached to it. PPP Officers located the business address and its current owner from the labelled cardboard box and contact was made with the addressee.
The business owner accepted that he was responsible for the waste and that it came from various sites having carried out garden maintenance works. He also stated that he has a waste disposal licence and only placed the waste outside the garages there, unaware that he was fly tipping. The trader had a waste disposal licence for his business, however on this occasion failed to comply with its disposal resulting in a fly tipping offence.
The amount of the fixed penalty is £200 however this was reduced to £120 as paid within 14 days.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire