Close Contact Services PPE Guidance
We wanted to raise awareness that we have noticed a number of barbers and hairdressers providing services wearing only a face covering. This is insufficient protection as per the guidance (updated 9th July) issued from Government below.
"The person providing a service (such as hairdressers or beauticians, because of the period of time spent in close proximity to a person’s face, mouth and nose) should therefore wear further protection in addition to any that they might usually wear. This should take the form of a clear visor that covers the face and provides a barrier between the wearer and the client from respiratory droplets caused by sneezing, coughing or speaking. Visors must fit the user and be worn properly. It should cover the forehead, extend below the chin, and wrap around the side of the face...
...face coverings are not an alternative to wearing a visor in close contact services."
Extract from Keeping workers and clients safe during coronavirus (COVID-19) in close contact services. 9th July 2020. Pages 32 & 33.
Full guidance for working safely during Covid-19 for close contact services can be found below: