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21st November 2022 - Community Safety Accreditation Scheme for Security Officers at Lexicon

Community Safety Accreditation Scheme for Security Officers at Lexicon 

In partnership with TVP and Bracknell Forest Council, ABM Facility Services UK Ltd have appointed five of their security officers to help keep Lexicon Shopping Centre safe and enjoyable for everyone.
Colleagues were very pleased to attend the Lexicon, Bracknell on the 10th November 2022 to see the Lexicon Security Team from ABM Facilities Services UK LTD receive their accreditations under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) from Thames Valley Police . The CSAS accredited Officers will now work with the Public Protection Partnership to enforce a range of matters including issuing penalties for graffiti and fly posting.
Those appointed now have designated powers from the Chief Constable, allowing them to issue fixed penalty notices for offences such as graffiti and cycling on a footpath. These fines are administered by Bracknell Forest Council and any income is reinvested in community safety initiatives.
The officers will be trained by TVP as part of the community safety accreditation scheme (CSAS). The scheme helps to create a greater presence of security to reduce local issues through partnership working. The Enforcement Officers will carry a CSAS identification badge.
ABM joins six other organisations currently accredited with TVP.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire