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11th November 2022 - Cost of Living - Scam Warning

Cost of Living - Scam Warning

With the cost of living crisis impacting people all over the UK, criminals are taking advantage of the financial hardship and government grants to scam people out of their hard earned money.
Please make yourself and others aware of current Cost of Living Scams.
One example is fake text messages and emails relating to cost of living and energy. The government is offering help for households but beware of criminals pretending to offer these support schemes.
These scam emails and text messages come in many different forms and promise financial gain. They are often official looking and pretend to be from the government or HMRC.
Examples include:
➡️ fake cost of living related grants
➡️ fake cost of living relief funds
➡️ fake council tax reductions, rebates or refunds
➡️ fake tax rebates from HMRC
➡️fake offers of assistance to help with universal credit applications
Look out for text messages and emails asking you to click on a link and check the official government website – do you need to apply for the support or is it paid automatically?
Did you know? You can easily report scam text messages and emails for free:
Text messages - forward the text to 7726.
Emails - forward the email to report@phishing.gov.uk.
For more information on Cost of Living Scam Messages see Friends Against Scams link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire