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17th March 2021 - Council Tax Scam - West Berkshire

Council Tax Scam - West Berkshire 

Earlier today (17th March 2021) there was a phone call into West Berkshire Council switchboard from an elderly gentlemen advising that a lady called Kimberly Collins, from council tax, had called them to take a payment over the phone for council tax arrears. They were advised no one under that name works for West Berkshire Council. Unfortunately his wife had already given 'Kimberly' their bank card. We are working with the couple to help them see if they can stop the payment.
  • Please NEVER pay anyone, or give any bank details, from an unsolicited call such as this.
  • If someone calls you saying they are from your bank, the council, HMRC etc. and asks for payment take their name and any reference they have given you and say you will call back the organisation yourself. Then independently research a number, never take the contact details they give you, and call the organisation directly.
  • If you owe money you will have received a letter in the first instance, and a request for payment will not come via a call such as this.
  • Please discuss with those who you may feel are vulnerable to such scams.
For more details on scams and how to report them see link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire