Counterfeit Goods at Car Boot Sales
Our Trading Standards Officers are actively investigating reports of fake goods being sold at local car boot sales. Part of these investigations will include visiting local car boot sales and test purchasing items.
Counterfeit goods are when any product such as designer clothes, accessories, electricals or cosmetics are fake but sold as authentic.
They’re presented using the intellectual property of a well-known brand so the seller can make a large profit, even though to you it might look like a bargain.
If you knowingly buy counterfeit goods, you’re helping the trader to break the law. The money you’ve spent might end up funding organised crime such as drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, forced labour and terrorism. You’re also contributing to local job losses because genuine manufacturers are unable to match prices charged by rogue traders. Worst of all, you’re putting yourself at risk: some counterfeits can be dangerous to use and in some cases are made using toxic substances and electrical items can cause fires.
Protect yourself
- Check the quality and labels first. It’s easy to spot a fake as their labels have spelling mistakes or other distinguishing marks.
- If something seems too good to be true, for example the price, it probably is. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re getting a great deal.
- Get the trader to tell you if they provide an after-sales service, warranty or guarantee. Most rogue traders won’t.
- Ask yourself would a car booter really sell larger quantities of genuine high cost branded items at a car boot?
Spot the signs
- You’ve bought an item and found it’s not made by the brand it claims to be made by
- It’s poor quality, which might make the product unusable or even unsafe.
- Many counterfeit goods are sold at one day events such as car boot sales, pubs, markets or fairs which makes it difficult to trace the seller once you’ve bought.
How to report it
If you think you have been sold counterfeit goods, or if you suspect somebody is selling fake goods, get advice from the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or contact our Trading Standards team directly on 01635 519930 for Trading Standards enquiries or email