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6th September 2021 - Ditch the car day launch - Wokingham

Ditch the car day - Wokingham

Wokingham Borough Council launches 'Ditch the car day' on 17th September to encourage as many people as possible to Ditch the Car on world car free day which is on Wednesday 22nd September https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/about-us/our-work-in-action/world-car-free-day

The day has a variety of activities at Elms Field, Wokingham RG40 2NL from 4-6pm

  • Dr. Bike
  • Test and e-bike
  • Orienteering 
  • Park Bingo
  • Smoothie Bike
  • Beat the Street winners

For full details see flyer here

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire