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1st April 2021 - Elderly lady in Hungerford approached on walk by Nottingham Knockers.

Elderly lady in Hungerford approached on walk by Nottingham Knockers

Yesterday an elderly lady was out for a walk in Hungerford and was stopped by pedlars (possible Nottingham Knockers).

They told her they were just out of prison and selling items. Half of the money would go to charity and the remaining half would support them. She was asked for her bank details and address but refused. She did purchase various items for a substantial amount of money.

This incident has been reported to the police.

If you are approached in this manner whilst you are out, or if they come to your door, please do not buy from them. If you feel threatened in any way call the police immediately.

You can report incidents such as this to:

The Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Online via theirĀ online reporting form or Telephone: 03454 04 05 06
(All these reports are forwarded to us at Trading Standards).

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire