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9th April 2021 - FAQ's on Business Re-opening on 12th April

FAQ's on Business Re-opening on 12th April

The FAQs from hospitality:

To access my outdoor space, customers have to go inside, is this allowed?

The regulations technically require indoors to close. We have not received any further guidance on this at this time. If accessing outdoors through indoors is unavoidable and there are no alternatives: one way systems and movement of people through the building to direct them outdoors should be limited and managed as part of the risk assessment.

If further guidance is received on this point we will disseminate additional information.

I am a licensed premise: if customers are ordering non-alcoholic drinks or food, or making payment, or checking in on the QR code: can people come inside?

Licensed premises are permitted in the Regulations to allow access indoors for toilets, baby changing and breast feeding rooms.

Therefore the above activities should be undertaken outside, via table service. The government Covid19 Secure guidance has recently been updated to say that ‘If it’s not possible to take payment outdoors, for example due to a technical issue, you can take payment indoors as a last resort.’

If further guidance is received on this point we will disseminate additional information.

I am not a licensed premise: can people come inside to order, pay or collect food and drink?

In non-licensed premises customers can enter to order and pay for food and drink.

If remaining on the premise to consume the food and drink, this must be consumed outdoors whilst seated.

Will my QR Code from last time work? We believe so, but recommend that all businesses test them prior to reopening.

Can I insist that my employees undertake LFT? No, it is voluntary for employees. However all employers of employees who cannot work from home should have a written testing policy

FAQ's Close Contact and Retail:

Further Guidance on Ventilation: https://www.cibse.org/coronavirus-covid-19/emerging-from-lockdown#1

Wearing Aprons in close contact services: We can’t see any reference to aprons in the government guidance, so therefore deem this to be a matter that should be addressed as part of each business Risk Assessment. The only PPE mentioned in the government guidance is face coverings in the form of masks and visors/goggles.

Do children have to wear face coverings? Children under the age of 11 are exempt from the face covering rules.

Do retail have to display a QR Code? No

For the full guidance on reopening safely and operating in a COVID secure way see link here .



Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire