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20th October 2021 - Fly tipping incident Westhatch Lane Bracknell

Fly tipping incident Westhatch Lane Bracknell

There has been another fly tipping incident near Wellers Lane in Bracknell, this time in Westhatch Lane. PPP Officers have attended the scene.

This is a tip consisting of asbestos roofing materials and we have had to instruct a specialist team in it's removal.  

Councillor John Harrison, portfolio holder for Public Protection, says “Bracknell Forest Council is determined to investigate and prosecute those individuals who feel it’s acceptable to blight our Borough. We have recently recruited a specialist Environmental Crime Officer within the Public Protection Partnership to bring more focus onto tackling fly-tipping. We are also expanding the CCTV coverage in tipping hotspots.”

Fly tipping is a criminal offence and we are actively monitoring sites, including Wellers Lane and nearby areas, by various means to establish who is responsible for fly tipping in the area. This will include, but not limited to, the use of CCTV, seeking information from the public and any other means to identify perpetrators.

When those responsible are identified the Council will seek to investigate and where appropriate prosecute them. This is a serious matter, and has implications for the environment and public safety.

We would also ask that people ensure that they only use licenced waste carriers to remove any rubbish to ensure that it is disposed of properly and legally, and that those people may also face penalty notices or prosecution if their rubbish is found fly tipped.

Residents should always check that any waste removed from their property is done so by licensed waste carriers, including when the waste is part of a larger project, such as landscaping and building work. You can check for licensed waste carriers on the Environment Agency website here:


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire