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25th August 2022 - Former Bracknell project manager sentenced to 150 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £34,000

Former Bracknell project manager sentenced to 150 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £34,000

Mr Jordan Guyett, of Target Hill, Bracknell, was convicted at Reading Magistrates’ Court on 19th August 2022 after pleading guilty to two offences under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. 

Mr Guyett was handed a Community Order of 150 hours unpaid work.  He was also ordered to pay £34,000 compensation as well as a £95 victims’ surcharge and prosecution costs of £1,357. 

The prosecution followed an investigation by officers from the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) and prosecuted by the PPP Case Management Unit on behalf of Bracknell Forest Council. 

In May 2021, the PPP trading standards team received a complaint from a local resident about a building extension to their home being undertaken by Jordan Guyett trading as Rose Property Solutions Berkshire Limited.  From the outset, work was intermittent and irregular.  Workmen did not turn up some days and materials were not delivered when they were supposed to be. The homeowners had to pay some workmen directly but in the end the work was not completed despite the homeowners having paid Mr Guyett £18,370.25. 

An expert surveyor described the work as having no value and the extension would need to be completely rebuilt at a likely cost of about £46,000 depending on what materials could be saved whilst stripping back and starting again.

Following the trading standards investigation Mr Guyett was charged with one count of knowingly or recklessly engaging in an unfair commercial practice and one count of engaging in a misleading action contrary to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Prior to sentencing the court were informed that in November 2020 Mr Guyett had been convicted of three offences under the same regulations following an investigation by the PPP trading standards team relating to matters dating back to 2019.

Commenting on the case Cllr John Harrison, Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection at Bracknell Forest Council said “This sentence and compensation order clearly sends the message that trading unfairly is a serious matter. We are very pleased that the court has ordered £34,000 in compensation for this Bracknell resident. If any resident of the Bracknell, West Berkshire or Wokingham feels that they have been treated unfairly by a trader we would invite them to contact us. Likewise we are always happy to advise traders should they seek our advice’.                      

If you have concerns about any trading related crime in Bracknell, West Berkshire or Wokingham, contact the PPP’s trading standards service on 01635 519930 or e-mail tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire