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4th October 2023 - Free Electric Blanket Safety Testing - Autumn 2023

Free Electric Blanket Safety Testing - Autumn 2023

When did you last replace or get your electric blanket safety checked?

When did you last have your portable heater PAT tested?

Every year in the UK over 100 people die and nearly 1000 are injured as a result of fires caused by heating appliances.

We are once again offering free of charge safety testing of electric blankets and small portable heaters in West Berkshire, Wokingham and Bracknell Forest. The date, times and venues are as follows:

  • Wednesday 18th October 2023 – 09:00 – 15:30
    Thatcham Community Larder- Frank Hutchings Community Centre, Bradley Moore Square, Thatcham. RG18 4QH
  • Thursday 19th October 2023 – 09:00 -15:30 
    Wokingham Fire Station – 13 Easthampstead Road, RG40 2EH
  • Friday 20th October 2023 – 09:00-14:00
    The COATS centre- Pinewood Avenue, Crowthorne. RG45 6RQ

Testing is by appointment only. To book an appointment please send an email to Victoria.roseblade1@westberks.gov.uk including the venue and a preferred time for your appointment.

Or alternatively if you are unable to visit on these days, please email the above to find out where the nearest drop off point is to your location prior to these dates and we can take your item for you.

This initiative is also being supported by Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Further details see link here. 


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire