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19th December 2022 - Give your dog the best Christmas present ever in 2 easy steps...

Give your dog the best Christmas present ever in 2 easy steps...

Dog Owners why not give the best gift of all to your four legged friend and make sure their microchip details are up to date and your dog has a tag with your address and details on its collar.

  • Step 1 - Make sure they have a dog tag on their collar with with your name and address, including post code (we'd recommend a phone number as well).
  • Step 2 - Double check their details on a Government approved microchip database. Or register the details. 

Over the Christmas Break any strays will be picked up by our out of hour’s team. If they are unable to identify the owner quickly (via the dog’s tag and microchip details) your dog may end up in kennels over the Christmas Break. Not only would this be distressing for you, and your dog, but you’ll also have to pay the kennel fees, call out and return fees before the dog can be returned. It is far cheaper to microchip, update a microchip or indeed buy a simple collar tag.

Not all microchip companies are registered, so make sure you use a recognised Government database, as these are the only ones checked by ourselves and vets. See link below for Government backed databases:

Get your dog microchipped - GOV.UK

If anyone needs any advice or guidance on these matters please contact the Animal Warden on 01635 519171

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire