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6th May 2021 - Hand Washing Support for School Children

Wash & Glow

To help schools prevent the spread of disease, including COVID-19, PPP is offering a free handwashing session for local children in Bracknell-Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham. We provide equipment so that the teachers can run these inactive sessions demonstrating to children the importance of hand washing.
Using UV light, this activity helps the children to see the areas of their hands that they have missed when washing, so they know where to focus in future to get really clean hands.
We are lending schools our UV light box and UV responsive cream for a week so that they can deliver this session to their children. The children coat their hands with the cream, check under the UV light to see where the ‘germs’ are. They then wash their hands and see if any of the ‘germs’ remain.
The feedback from teachers has been very positive:
‘The children loved this activity and were amazed at how carefully they needed to wash their hands to get rid of the ‘germs’. I also used the germ lotion to show how germs can be passed so easily from one child to another, to highlight the importance of washing hands regularly. Thank you’
‘The children were keen to see how clean their hands were after washing them. For the rest of the day and hopefully beyond, the children really thought about how to wash their hands well, and put effort into it.’
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire