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10 September 2020 - ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ Public information campaign

Hands. Face. Space. Public Information Campaign

The ‘Hands. Face. Space’ public information campaign, launched by the Government yesterday, urges the public to continue to wash their hands, cover their face and make space to control infection rates and avoid a second peak.
The spread of coronavirus, particularly in enclosed spaces is shown in a new film, produced with experts in the field, which highlights the risk in simple, everyday interactions.
The campaign will run across TV, radio, print, out of home, social and digital display advertising.
A new science based public information campaign will be launched ahead of winter to highlight how everyone can help to stop the spread of the virus by remembering to wash their hands, cover their face and make space.
‘Hands. Face. Space’ will run across TV, radio, print, out of home, social and digital display advertising, as well as on community media channels and will be supported by a variety of public and private sector partners throughout the coming weeks.
As part of this campaign, a new video is being released to show exactly how coronavirus spreads indoors. With people expected to spend more time inside during the winter, the film – produced with the help of scientific experts – encourages the public to follow simple steps to reduce the risk of infection.
Through a scientifically based reconstruction of everyday scenarios the film shows how the interactions between people, surfaces and the air spread the virus. The film also reflects how coronavirus spreads through droplets that come out of our nose and mouth. This is a powerful reminder to the public of the importance of remaining aware of their surroundings and following the guidance.
Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said:
"As we approach winter and inevitably spend more time indoors, we need the public to keep following this important advice to control the spread of the virus."
‘Hands. Face. Space’ emphasises important elements of the guidance we want everybody to remember: wash your hands regularly, use a face covering when social distancing is not possible and try to keep your distance from those not in your household.
For full details of the campaign see link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire