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21st June 2022 - Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder

Happy First Birthday Thatcham Community Larder

This week see’s the first birthday of Thatcham Community Larder which was launched on Wednesday 23rd June 2021.

The larder now has over 80 members and also offers free school uniforms, sanitary products and a free toy and book exchange.

As food prices continue to rise, food waste not only makes economic sense but for many who join the larder they also see it as part of their social responsibility.

Victoria Roseblade, Leader of the Thatcham Community Larder said “We’ve seen members join for a variety of reasons. Many are seeing the larder as critical support during these times of rising food costs, others want to ‘do their bit’ to combat food waste and reduce landfill. Not forgetting the members who come along for social connections and the cake and tea.”

Members can shop for produce at a very small cost and all food is sustainably sourced.

Any leftover produce, like fresh vegetables and pasta, the larder donates to Newbury Soup kitchen and the Small Animal Rescue Sanctuary.

Behind the larder are a group of fantastic volunteers who help with memberships, loading shopping bags, making drinks, slicing cake and of course making all members extremely welcome. The larder are always on the lookout for new volunteers.

Why not go along and try it for yourself. It's not means tested and anyone local can join.

  • The Larder operates each Wednesday between 1:30-5:30pm at Frank Hutchins Community Centre, Thatcham. RG18 4QH.
  • The Larder is a place to help support our community by offering a membership if £10 per year. 
  • Food is also available at a very small cost. All food is sustainably sourced.
  • A single membership for £3.50 a week will allow up to 10 ambient items and a selection of fruit and veg.
  • A family membership for £7.00 a week will allow up to 20 ambient items and a selection of fresh fruit and veg


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire