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14th April 2022 - Help us Stamp out Fly Tipping

Help us Stamp out Fly Tipping

Now that ‘spring has sprung’, and Easter Bank Holiday is upon us, many residents will be taking the opportunity to have a tidy up. It’s the perfect time of year to tackle those spring cleaning chores and enjoy the summer ahead.

If you are having a clear out and require disposal of waste we’d like to remind you that it is your responsibility to make sure your waste is disposed of by a registered waste carrier. Nobody enjoys seeing our beautiful countryside blighted with fly tips. If your waste carrier isn’t registered and your waste is fly-tipped you could receive a £200 fixed penalty notice.

It’s really simple to check to see if someone offering to take away your waste is registered, just enter their details in the link below:


Public Protection Partnership wants your help in stamping out fly tipping in our urban areas and surrounding beautiful countryside. You can help us by following these tips below:

  • Always check someone offering to take your waste away is registered (see link above)
  • Get into the habit of asking tradespeople for their waste carriers licence too
  • Question why someone might be offering to take away your waste much cheaper than other quotes you’ve had
  • Double check the licence details they’ve given you are valid and match who they say they are (see link above)
  • If you’re a tradesperson, or a waste carrier, make it a point to tell customers you’re registered and show customers your licence details

If you suspect someone is operating without a waste carriers licence you can contact via the form below.




Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire