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14th October 2020 - Home Office Parking Fine Scam

Home Office Parking Fine Scam

We are aware of numerous reports from people in Wokingham who are reporting receiving a message from the Home Office claiming they have an outstanding penalty charge for parking. The message includes details of the fine and a link to pay.

They are then asked to click on a link and pay a fine. 


The Home Office will not contact you about a parking charge, they are a Government body who primarily deal with immigration, security and law and order in England and Wales.

  • Never click on links or make payments from unsolicited messages.
  • If in doubt contact the named body independently of any contact details the message provides.
  • Check the ‘from’ email address it’ll often be odd looking.

Report a Scam

If you report scams such as this we can do more to trace source and make others aware. Report to either of the below: 

The Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Online via their online reporting form
Telephone: 03454 04 05 06
(All these reports are forwarded to Trading Standards)

Action Fraud, the UK national fraud office
Online via their online fraud reporting tool
Telephone: 0300 123 2040

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire