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1st February 2023 - How Call Blocking Technology Can Help Your Loved Ones Stay Independent 

How Call Blocking Technology Can Help Your Loved Ones Stay Independent 

We're all aware of scams targetting the elderly and the vulnerable. Many of these start with a simple phone call, but can result in the victim losing thousands of pounds. 

Helping your loved ones to remain independent and stay in their own home and safe from financial abuse is one of the main aims of the Public Protection Partnership's Fraud Victim Support Officer, Malcolm Phillips. 

Malcolm says, "keeping our elderly relatives safe whilst we are with them is relatively easy but the problems may arise when they are on their own. Once they are behind closed doors and we're not with them we may then worry about them and feel anxious about what could be happening. It is during our absence that our loved ones are at risk from scams and financial abuse from unsolicited telephone calls."

An incredibly useful tool is a telephone call blocker which provides an interception and screening process for all incoming calls.  It is a simple device that can work with the existing phone and it can be installed and set up within 10 minutes.  It's small so can be tucked away so as not to cause any concern or worry to the resident.  It dials into a central control panel on a weekly basis to keep itself updated with known scam telephone numbers and these are automatically blocked.  Friends and family and important numbers can be added to a trusted caller list allowing those calls to get through immediately.  There are different levels of settings depending on the vulnerability of the person receiving the calls and so can also be very useful for those suffering with Alzheimer's or Dementia.

These devices can be supplied and fitted free of charge via the Public Protection Partnership on a permanent loan basis, to be returned when no longer needed.  Since 2017 the Public Protection Partnership have installed 80 call blockers to protect older and vulnerable people from nuisance and scam phone calls. So far 43,878 calls have been blocked, and trueCall* estimate that as a result of the blockers been installed 71 scams have been prevented. Residents, and their families, feels happier and safer knowing that when their phone rings it will be someone they want to talk to.

If you have a vulnerable relative or neighbour living in Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire or Wokingham and you feel that they could benefit from this safeguarding measure then please contact PPP for more information at tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk or call 01635 519930.



*trueCall - is the phone blocking technology provider we use. 

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire