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4th July 2023 - How to Avoid Scams on your Holiday Booking

How to Avoid Scams on your Holiday Booking

Have you booked your summer holiday yet? If not you might want to take a look at the advice from our Trading Standards team to make sure your holiday booking is scam free:

  • Happy holidays will follow if we are Scam aware and take care
  • Observe the web page. Look for mistakes or unsecure links hover your mouse over hyperlinks to make sure you know where they are taking you. Look for generic images do a reverse photo search
  • Look into the company or in the case of Airbnb the owner. Is the company ABTA protected? Does the profile match the page language spelling etc. generic or real Images taken by holiday makers?
  • Investigate look at reviews. Check reviews are they similar relevant and up to date
  • Do consider the method of payment
  • Always check the profiles of the company and individuals concerned are they credible
  • You will have a great time if you research your Holiday.

If you feel you may have already been scammed on a holiday booking then contact us on 01635 519930 or emailĀ tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire