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25th January 2021 - Investment COVID Scam

Investment COVID Scam 

Scammers are exploiting the coronavirus pandemic by targeting savers with online adverts claiming their money will be invested in Covid-19 "vaccine bonds".
The adverts emailed to potential victims falsely claim that US bank Citigroup will invest their money in drug company Pfizer, which manufactures one of the three coronavirus vaccines approved for use in the UK.
Investors are persuaded to hand over personal data including their telephone number and to upload copy of their passport or driving licence for "anti-money laundering" purposes.
Please ignore any un-solicited contact of this sort. Always independently vet investments through trusted sources of your own.
To report scams of this nature contact:
Contact the Crimestoppers COVID Fraud Hotline (0800 587 5030) or via their online form below.
Or report direct to us on 01635 519930 or via our form below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire