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14 August 2020 - Looking to Car Share? COVID Guidance

Looking to Car Share? 

As people look at returning to work and school, and attractions and destinations reopen, it is expected a number of families and households will use car sharing to make their journey.
The Department for Transport are encouraging people to plan their journey; if it requires them to share a car with another household, they are asked that they follow government guidance to help them keep safe. The advice for the public is to:
  • try not to share a vehicle with those outside their household or support bubble
  • if this is not possible, share the transport with the same people each time
  • open the windows for ventilation
  • wear a face covering for the duration of the journey
  • consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle – e.g. leave seats some free.
  • clean their car between journeys including door handles and other areas that people may touch
This guidance is for personal family owned cars only and not Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles - which have their own guidance and regulations. See here
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire