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14th September 2023 - Major milestone for Support with Confidence Scheme

Major milestone for Support with Confidence Scheme

 Support with Confidence has recently processed its 200th member.

The purpose of the scheme is to:

  • Find carers for local residents
  • Provide a register of approved carers
  • Vet carers to ensure they are safe, legal and properly trained
  • Provide support and advice for carers who are setting up a new business
  • Advise agencies on their systems so their staff meet our high standards

Claire Hutton (pictured with her client Mrs Jane Smith) was our 200th applicant to the scheme and is now running a successful self-employed business.

‘I can truly say that without the service of Support with Confidence I would not have set up on my own.

I have worked in various care settings for over 30 years, however going solo was a very daunting prospect.

Philippa Collings and Support with Confidence have helped me navigate the stages of setting up my own business. From the logistics side, providing and paying for three classroom training sessions to ensuring that I had the relevant knowledge, training and understanding to deliver the best quality care and support that I can independently. 

Philippa Has been on hand to answer any questions I have had, and her knowledge is 2nd to none.

I would highly recommend Support with Confidence it really has given me the confidence to fulfil a lifelong dream.’

Did you know, Self-employed carers do not register with CQC? This means that anyone can set up as a carer and go into the most vulnerable people’s homes without any checks.

Support with Confidence members must undergo extensive background checks including DBS, financial, fraud and Safeguarding.

We make sure they have the Right to Work in the UK because residents employing someone working illegally could be liable for a fine of up to £20,000.

We also provide our members with classroom training and free e-learning to make sure they are always up to date.

Most Support with Confidence members, including Claire, have worked for agencies and in care homes for many years but have never run a business. The scheme provides detailed information about tax, data protection, contracts, invoicing, handling complaints, business planning and more.

We also help agencies with their systems to ensure all their staff meet our rigorous standards.

If you need to find a carer, you can find all our Support with Confidence members on the West Berkshire & Wokingham Council Directories. Please go to our website and you can find the link there - https://www.westberks.gov.uk/supportwithconfidence

Pip Collings, the Support with Confidence manager says:

‘I am very proud to manage Support with Confidence and particularly our new Finding Service, which helps residents find care. We will work directly with you to find a carer in just a few days, and you can be confident that they are fully checked and ready to start immediately.’


If you need a carer, or would like to join the scheme, please email:


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire