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2nd November 2021 - Natasha’s Law and allergen labelling webinar

Natasha’s Law – how does it apply to my food business?

• Are you responsible for supplying food?

• Do you prepare food and put it into packaging before a customer visits and orders?

In this case you may be selling prepacked for direct sale food and if so this new law could apply to you.

Please note this law does not apply distance selling i.e. sales of food via the internet or telephone.

To find out what it all means and how to comply attend one of our two free webinar presented by our professional food standards officers.

The webinar will consist of an outline of the requirements, examples of how to comply and an opportunity to ask questions.

The event will be hosted via Zoom and you'll need to register via Eventbrite in the first instance. 

Registration details as below:

November 23rd 18:30 - 19:30 - Register here

November 29th 14:30 - 15:30 - Register here

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire