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8th April 2021 - Noise From Commercial Premises About to Re-open

Noise From Commercial Premises About to Re-open.

We acknowledge that due to lockdown and commercial premises being closed for so long that residents will have got used to lower ambient noise levels due to far fewer or no people around, less traffic, no deliveries, no music, no children playing etc.
We understand that you may be frustrated or annoyed with these noises returning but the premise is permitted to now be open for business.
We have issued guidance for commercial premises to consider their neighbours as they prepared to reopen from 12th April. We have advised them to reconsider how noise sources from their premises could impact others, incorporate mitigation and suggest they communicate with you.
Should the noise from a licenced premise be considered to be a public nuisance we will consider, or you as a resident can call, for a Review of the Premises Licence. Or if the noise from amplified music constitutes a statutory nuisance we may take action by serving an Abatement Notice. You can make a compliant with regards to noise from a commercial premises using the link below:
For full details on the advice for commercial premises, about to re-open, with regards to how to avoid noise nuisance see link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire