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15th April 2021 - Potential Scam Alert in Bracknell

Potential Scam Alert in Bracknell

Residents in the Bracknell area are reporting of being cold called on the phone by persons claiming to work for Safety Awareness UK.
The calls are coming from 01704 524351 and 01704 524 123 that we have found. These numbers when called are not in service.
The callers claim to be in Bracknell 'tomorrow' calling on residents and are trying to make appointments to fit/discuss care alarms.
If you receive such a call to do not agree to anyone visiting your home or calling you again. You can report the call to us on 01635 503242 or online via the link below:
  • Say NO to doorstep callers
  • If it seems too good to be true, it probably is
  • Unsolicited phone calls - it's not impolite, it's your right to hang up
  • Do not feel pressured to agree to appointment or buying from unsolicited calls or visits.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire