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7th April 2021 - PPP Gears Up For Businesses Re-Opening

PPP Gears Up For Businesses Re-Opening

The Public Protection Partnership has dealt with over 11,000 service requests over the past year of which over 1700 related directly to COVID-19 matters. These included requests for advice from local businesses as well as reports from the public and other organisations of alleged non compliances with regard to COVID-19 restrictions.

In addition the service has carried out hundreds of visits a month to businesses. A small number of prohibition notices have been issued on businesses that should not have been operating, or which operated outside permitted hours. These have included hand car washes and street traders.  In cases where improvements were needed advice has been given and follow up visits have been made.

During this period, where there is a gradual easing of restrictions, the PPP is continuing to support local businesses through the provision of advice and advisory visits. Several business briefings with sector specific advice aimed at hospitality, non-essential retail, close contact services, grass roots sports and public bodies who manage public spaces will be taking place.

Plans are in place to carry out regular daytime and evening checks as part of our compliance and advisory roles. The team will continue to hold the balance between supporting businesses and the economy and the overarching public health imperative.  The service will continue to work closely with the West Berkshire and Wokingham Covid Marshals and Bracknell Covid Ambassadors to assist businesses and reassure their customers and clients.

Sean Murphy, Head of the Public Protection Partnership said, ‘we are approaching the coming weeks in the same manner as we have approached all changes to the regulations and guidance. We will be seeking to provide advice and assistance to businesses ahead of and during re-opening. We will then be carrying out compliance in order to provide confidence to the community that businesses are doing all they can to minimise risk to their staff and their customers’.    

For more details on support available visit the dedicated COVID-19 page on the PPP website here.


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire