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19th December 2023 - Press Release - Penalty Notices Introduced for Animal Health and Welfare Offences.


New legislation was laid on the 11 December 2023 which introduces the ability to issue penalty notices for animal health and welfare offences.


From the 01 January 2024 penalty notices of up to £5000 can be issued for animal health and welfare offences including keeping animals in a poor living environment, health control breaches such as late Tuberculosis testing, breaching of avian influenza housing orders or a range of licensing matters relating to everything from animal breeders to boarding and kennelling.


The Animals (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2023 laid under the Animals (Penalty Notices) Act 2022 follows a public consultation in which more than 85% of respondents supported the introduction of penalty notices as an enforcement tool.


The new legislation adds to existing enforcement measures to protect animals including warning notices, statutory notices or movement restrictions.


Staff from the Public Protection Partnership will be able issue penalty notices in appropriate circumstances and prosecution remains an option which can also lead to a ban on keeping animals if convicted of welfare related offences.


Animal health and welfare legislation is paramount in protecting the country from the threat of diseases, which impact our nation’s productivity and ability to trade freely, as well as making sure all animals are treated properly at all stages of life.


Cllr Lee Dillon, Chairman of the Joint Public Protection Committee said, ‘Thankfully breaches are few and far between. However, the introduction of a fixed penalty option is a useful tool to have in the range of options to deal with animal health and welfare breaches. In addition to enforcement the service is always ready to provide advice and support on legal requirements which, in areas such as farming, can be complex and subject to change from time to time’.    

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire