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24 April 2024 - Press Release – Roofer Found Guilty of Fraud

Three homeowners engaged the services of Mr Bell to undertake home improvements and paid him a total of £14,200 respectively. Mr Bell however failed to deliver the services promised, either to a professional and reasonable standard or at all.


The Reading Magistrates’ Court convicted Mr Bell after trial, and he was sentenced on 16 April 2024 to a 12-month Community Order with a requirement to complete 150 hours of unpaid work. The court also made a compensation order of £4,000 in respect of one homeowner. The two remaining homeowners, who had previously been granted civil county court judgments in respect of the same matters, were not awarded any compensation.


Sean Murphy, service lead for public protection, said: “This case hopefully sends a clear message to traders that we will investigate where there are allegations of unfair trading. Bracknell Forest Council takes incidents of this nature very seriously.”


Any resident that has concerns about trader-related activity should contact the service on 01635 519930 or e-mail tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk. If you feel threatened or in danger by the presence of the cold caller, call the police emergency number 999.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire