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28 December 2023 - Press Release - Dry January 2024 – A break and reset for the body and mind, are you in?


During the festive period and New Year celebrations, many of us across the Partnership will overindulge alcohol. Dry January, a national campaign to improve drinking habits, encourages going alcohol free throughout January.


Going ‘dry’ for 31 days has several benefits including, better night’s sleep, more energy, improved emotional and mental health, saving money, and is an amazing sense of achievement.


One in 5 adults (about 10 million people) in England regularly drink at levels that significantly increase their risk of harm, at more than 14 units per week (about six pints of normal strength beer or lager, or a bottle and a half of wine, per week). So, for many of us, January can provide a perfect opportunity for a reset.


Alcohol consumption is linked to more that 200 medical conditions, including circulatory, liver, and digestive diseases and several cancers. Taking a break from drinking alcohol has been proven to do you good on the inside, with research showing that a month off alcohol leads to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes risk, as well as lower cancer-related proteins in the blood.


Councillor Janine Lewis, Executive Portfolio Holder for Public Health said, ‘post the festive celebrations, taking part in Dry January gives us an opportunity to reset and rejuvenate our bodies and minds for the coming year.’


‘Pubs and restaurants also now have a range of no alcohol alternatives or soft drinks. So for those considering taking part in ‘Dry January’ it doesn’t mean an end to going out to socialise’.


For help, encouragement and support in taking part and succeeding in Dry January, you can download Alcohol Change UK’s free app Try Dry® , or sign up for coaching emails.


WARNING: Dry January may not be for everyone. If you are clinically alcohol dependant, drink heavily regularly or have concerns regarding your level of alcohol consumption, check with your GP or local alcohol service, who will provide free and confidential support for people wanting to make changes.


Bracknell Forest: New Hope – Phone: 01344 312360, Email: new.hope@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

West Berkshire: Via – Phone: 0300 303 4554, Email: west.berkshire@viaorg.uk

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire