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01 April 2020 - PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Update from Public Protection Partnership - Trading Standards Team


Coronavirus – COVID-19 – Update from Public Protection Partnership - Trading Standards Team

In these unprecedented times we have seen a lot of courage, compassion and dedication from so many people, but it is very regrettable that some will use the current situation to their own advantage, seeking to exploit individuals and businesses.

The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) has received a number of complaints concerning:-

1. Profiteering, with everyday goods being sold at extortionate prices. The Competition and Marketing Authority has set up a COVID-19 taskforce to look into such business practices, and people can access their website to make complaints / report issues directly to them on these matters, or email covid.monitoring@cma.gov.uk
2. Some premises have continued to trade despite the Government ban, and these complaints have been dealt with quickly by the Police and Local Authority to close such premises. If people are aware of such activities please contact PPP via the form here: https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/coronavirus-enforcement-form/
3. We have received enquiries about the sale of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as face masks and hand sanitiser, which may not be safe. Trading Standards will investigate such complaints and work with the Office for Product Safety to ensure all products placed on the market are safe. Please report any known sales of such equipment to: https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/coronavirus-enforcement-form/
4. We have received enquiries relating to the legitimacy of food delivery firms offering services to consumers.
5. We have received a report that a person handed over £400 cash for goods, but nothing was delivered, the other party merely took the money. People should never hand over money for those purporting to offer services.

Around the UK, Trading Standards are experiencing an increase in the number of complaints about scams, designed to prey on the concerns of people.

These scams involve:-

1. Financial scams where text and email messages are received, which appear to be from banks, government departments or other trusted organisations, seeking to trick people into providing their bank details. People should never click on the links or respond to such messages. Banks will never ask for financial information in this way. If you have any concerns, then report it, and contact your bank directly. Report these scams to https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/coronavirus-enforcement-form/
2. There are reports of attempts to sell miracle cures and vaccines - there are no cures and such matters should be reported via the PPP Coronavirus Enforcement Form https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/coronavirus-enforcement-form/
3. Reports of the sale of fake and dangerous PPE and Coronavirus testing kits and vaccines.
4. Shopping and medication collection services demanding money up front, with no service delivered.
5. Home cleaning and health and safety checks.
6. The use of mobile phone apps purporting to provide updates, but instead lock the phone completely, with release on payment of a fee.
7. Emails purporting to be from HMRC regarding claiming tax back or grants, which are again a way of tricking people into providing bank details.
8. Messages via email and SMS to parents relating to free school meals. “As schools are closed you are entitled to free school meals… please send your bank details to claim your money/vouchers”.

Our advice is:

1. Never feel pressured into making any decision or contract.
2. Only buy goods from trusted retailers.
3. Do not pay any money up front. Be very suspicious of anyone demanding money up front.
4. Never give out any financial information.
5. If you do not know the person who has contacted you, then do not engage with them unless you have accessed support through a recognised community support group. (See end of release for details of recognised community support hubs)
6. Never click on any suspicious text or email links and do not engage with these messages. If you have any queries with your bank, HMRC, NHS, the Local Authority or any other business, then call them directly. Do not click on any links or use any contacts given in these messages.

Following the Chancellor’s announcement of a variety of Income Support Schemes, especially for the self-employed, a new wave of scam emails, calls and text messages claiming to be from HMRC have started to circulate. They are offering financial help in exchange for your bank details, etc and probably contain a link where an email or text is concerned. The messages will be scams – do not respond, delete immediately. HMRC do not contact people out of the blue asking for these details.

In times of crisis when fear of the unknown is heightened, people – particularly the vulnerable, become more susceptible to trickery. Unfortunately, there are plenty of malicious individuals out there who are willing to exploit this. The government are relying on emails and text messages as communication channels and we are already seeing scams circulating which have untrustworthy links in them. Many have seen text messages which look like they come from GOV.UK and suggest that some kind of financial support package is available. They require your bank details and provide a link for you to click on. These texts are scams and should be deleted immediately. Remember, if the link does not end in “gov.uk” or “nhs.net”, it is not legitimate.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) are taking down a lot of these malicious websites as soon as they become aware of them. If you are sent a suspicious email or text, please report it via the Netcraft website at: https://report.netcraft.com/report

Hilary Cole, Chair of Joint Public Protection Committee says:

“While we have seen countless examples of local people selflessly giving up their time to help others in need, we know that there are some people who will seek to exploit people in the current Covid-19 pandemic.

“Our Trading Standards Team is working tirelessly with Thames Valley Police and others to combat this criminal activity and protect the public. However, we all need to be vigilant and play our part in guarding against scams at this difficult time.”


The nature of scams is that they change on a regular basis, and we will continue to monitor these and push out further information. Your help is vital in reporting issues so that we can all stay safe.

Report any issues relating to Coronavirus to:

Or to the non-emergency contact details for Thames Valley Police at:

Thames Valley Police - Call 101 (non-emergency number)

For day to day updates from PPP follow us on social media and/or see the dedicated Coronavirus page on our website.

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/publicprotectionpartnershipuk/?modal=admin_todo_tour

Twitter - https://twitter.com/PublicPP_UK

Website - https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/


West Berkshire
01635 503579 open 900.-17.00

Bracknell Forest
01344 266911 open 8.00-22.00

Citizens Advice Bureau Support on 0118 9787258 open 9.00-17.00


The Public Protection Partnership is a shared service of Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham Borough Council delivering Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards Services to 450,000 Berkshire residents.


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire