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11th February 2022 - Protect Yourself from Romance Scams

Protect Yourself from Romance Scams

What is a Romance Scam?

Romance scams are when people are deceived online via dating websites/apps and believe they are talking to a genuine ‘match’ when in actual fact it’s a fraudster who is trying to steal their money or personal details.

How to spot the warning signs of a romance scam

Fraudsters play on the emotion of the situation which may inhibit your judgement. They’re usually charming and use sophisticated methods to trick you.

Watch out for matches who:

  • Are too perfect.
  • Have flawless good looks.
  • Want to message via text or email instead of via the website or app.
  • Very quickly express very strong feelings.
  • Ask a lot about you but give very little information about themselves.
  • You don’t get to meet in person.
  • Tell you about an emergency, or a reason why they can’t access their own money, or another excuse as to why they need you to send money

How to check if a profile is fake

  • Is their profile picture realistic, or does it look like a professional photo?
  • Does the information on their profile summary reflect what they have told you?
  • Does their ‘backstory’ match up with how they come across? For example they may tell you they’re a professional person, however their written communication are flawed with grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Check to see if their profile picture is a ‘stock’ image from the internet. You can do this via apps such a ‘TinEye’.

How to protect yourself

  • Never give your personal or banking details to someone you have met via a dating app/website
  • Never give out the answers to potential security questions, like name of first pet, first school, mother’s maiden name etc.
  • Never send money to someone you’ve ‘met’ via an online dating app/website. As soon as someone asks you for money alarm bells should ring.
  • If you are asked for money talk to someone else about it for an objective view.

You can report scams to:

The Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Online via their online reporting form
Telephone: 03454 04 05 06
(All these reports are forwarded to Trading Standards)

Action Fraud, the UK national fraud office
Online via their online fraud reporting tool
Telephone: 0300 123 2040

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire