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13th May 2021 - Q&A from the hospitality webinar on Tuesday 11th May to help hospitality businesses operate in step 3

Q&A from the hospitality webinar on Tuesday 11th May to help hospitality businesses operate in step 3. Updated on 18th May 2021. 

For full presentation see link here

Question: If someone coughs do I need to ask them to leave the restaurant?


This should be covered by the business Covid-19 risk assessment.

A business should consider the risk arising from customers and staff with Covid symptoms attending the premises.  For employees controls would include encouraging twice weekly lateral flow tests, reporting of results and instructions not to attend work with Covid-19 symptoms and to seek PCR test.  Symptoms are fever, new and persistent cough and/or loss of taste or smell.

 For patrons we would suggest suitable control measures may include provision of information at the entrance (poster) and/or on business website asking persons with symptoms not to enter.  A greeter/member of security could ask if any members of the public if they are free of symptoms at the same opportunity that they may ask for contact details/use of app and ask customers to use sanitiser at the entrance.  If someone attempts to enter with a persistent cough it is likely to be observed at this stage.  It is unlikely to be reasonable or possible to monitor customers to identify if they have a persistent cough once inside the premises.

Question: Regarding face coverings, if someone says they are exempt from wearing them can we ask for proof?


It is a legal requirement for a business to display a poster at relevant premises to advise members of the public that they must wear a face covering inside.  The responsibility to comply is primarily with the member of the public and is enforced by the police.  Whilst it is reasonable for the business to challenge individuals who are not wearing a face covering, there is no requirement for those who are exempt to prove their exemption. 

Question: If staff refuse to take an LFT, what powers do I have?


Whilst the business should have a policy with respect to lateral flow testing of staff, employers cannot compel staff to take tests.  Employees should be encouraged to take and report LFTs and be advised that the approach is to protect other staff members and customers.   If staff refuse to participate, it would be reasonable for the employer to review their duties in order to minimise interactions with others in the workplace.

CIBSE guidance link is


Question: If service is ‘carvery’ style can alcohol be table service, but food ‘self-service’ buffet style?


No the food and alcohol have to both be table service as it’s a premises that serves alcohol and so this governs that it is table service throughout the premises

Question: In a social club setting are games such as darts, pool and cards allowed?

Answer: Updated on 18.5.21

The hospitality rules apply in relation to the consumption of food and drink on the premises. There is nothing in the legislation that appears to prevent the use of indoor games but this has to be done in accordance with the other requirements and people should not be permitted to stand when consuming food and drinks, should wear a face covering when moving around and not seated and this aspect should be considered in any Covid risk assessment.

Question: Is the curfew still in place?



Question: For theatre rehearsals does the “rule of 6 / two households“ apply?


For  non-professional performing arts - yes or discrete groups of 6 provided they do not ‘mingle’

In other words the total number of people attending a rehearsal can be more than the social contact limit – but that they must always remain in sub-groups within social contact limits.

Question: If premises have both takeaway and table service facility can both be managed from the same order point?


Yes they can as the customers coming to collect their takeaway will not be consuming it on the premises and are therefore not required to be seated.

Question: Regarding spectators at sporting events, is the ruling 50% capacity will be allowed from 17th May?


Indoor events will be able to have 1,000 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower.

Outdoor events will be able to take place at a capacity of 50% or 4,000 people, whichever is lower. For large, outdoor venues, crowds will be permitted up to 10,000 people or 25% of capacity, whichever is lower.

Question: Worries were highlighted over traffic in the Market Place, where waiting staff and drunks need to cross the flow of traffic. There is police/Covid marshal presence at weekends, but not during the week. 


We will liaise with Highways, West Berkshire Council Covid Marshals and with Thames Valley Police to monitor the situation.



Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire