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26th March 2021 - Reassurance of Safety of COVID-19 Lateral Flow Test

Reassurance of Safety of COVID-19 Lateral Flow Test

We'd like to remind everyone that COVID-19 lateral flow tests are safe to use and can be used on a regular basis. There have been inaccurate posts on social media and on-line regarding their safety, in relation to the use of ethylene oxide in the sterilization of the swabs. We urge everyone to get their facts from reputable sources.
Dr Fu-Meng Khaw, Public Health England COVID-19 Incident Director, said:
“Parents, children and staff should feel reassured that lateral flow tests used in schools have been rigorously tested and are completely safe to use on a regular basis. Any suggestion otherwise is inaccurate and harmful misinformation.”
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said:
“Lateral flow tests have been rigorously tested and are safe to use on a regular basis. Any suggestion otherwise is inaccurate and harmful misinformation.
“The manufacturers have confirmed that 1-2ug/g of ethylene oxide is used in the swabs, which is well within national/international safety standards.
“We are working closely with social media platforms to help them identify and take action to remove incorrect claims about the pandemic, including deliberately false information that could endanger people's health.”
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire