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25 September 2020 - Reminder for Hospitality Venues of New COVID Legislation

Reminder for Hospitality Venues of New COVID Legislation

There's been a lot of new regulations come in this past week for pubs & restaurants. Here's a quick reminder on some of these key new laws you'll need to abide by:
➡️ Display your venue QR code poster. These posters need to be displayed in some clear and prominent places in your venue. The posters will enable those with the NHS Covid-19 App to 'check-in'. 
You'll need other methods of capturing test & trace data for those without a compatible smartphone who don't have the app. Remember to make sure the way you're collecting data is data secure and GDPR compliant. A note pad on the bar won't do! There's also specific data you need to collect for test & trace. 
For details of how to get your QR Code see link below:
For GDPR and information on how to keep you Test and Trace compliant see link below:
➡️ Face masks for customers and staff. When customers aren't seated they'll need to be wearing a face mask. Do remember though there are some exceptions to wearing a mask.
See link below for regulations on face masks and details of exemptions: 
➡️ Rule of 6 - you can't take bookings of more than 6 people in any one group. PLUS you'll need to take measures to make sure customers and staff are abiding by social distancing rules. Separate groups should not be 'mingling' and need to adhere by social distancing guidelines.
For further guidance on operating your business safely and the rule of six see details below:
➡️ Table service - you now need to operate a table service only so that customers are not congregating around a bar area. This makes it easier for you to manage groups as separate parties.
For further guidance on operating your business safely and table service see details below:
➡️ Your premises needs to have closed by 10pm. This isn't last orders at 10pm but the latest you can close by. 
For further details on which businesses need to close between the hours of 10pm and 5am see link below:
By following the above new legislation you'll be helping keep your staff and customers safer from COVID-19.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire