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23rd March 2021 - Residents Be Alert - Roofing & Steam Cleaning Company

Residents Be Alert - Roofing & Steam Cleaning Company

We would like to warn residents to be alert when dealing with tradespeople, especially those that contact you directly. 
We've been made aware of a company, who seem to be working in the Crowthorne & Twyford area at the moment, who are over charging on their services. They are offering roofing and steam cleaning services and are charging several thousands pounds for the work. Trading standards are currently looking into the matter.
Our advice to the public would be:
  • Do not answer the door to cold callers
  • Report a ‘live’ incident to us so we can attend
  • Report the matter to Thames Valley Police on 999 if the householder is in imminent danger or being threatened or coerced into handing over money
  • If a resident is wishing to have work done then to get 3 quotes from reputable companies preferably through recommendation of friends and family, or via the Buy With Confidence scheme
  • Remind cold callers they need to provide a written 14 day cancellation cooling off period to householders by law
  • Think about setting up a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ if that location receives regular cold callers – PPP can provide support on this. See details here.


Our Fraud Victim Support Officer can also provide support, and possible security equipment, to the affected resident(s) post incident if the matter is reported to us.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire