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9th September - Scam Alert - HMRC Scam

Scam Alert - HMRC Scam

We've been hearing reports of residents receiving an automated call stating that there is unpaid tax to be paid to HMRC and to either press 1 or to call a number given. On doing so the scam is then perpetuated by stating a warrant is open for their arrest for non payment of taxes. Residents are then directed to various ways of paying the outstanding amount.
HMRC will not contact anyone via the phone regarding outstanding or overpayment of tax.
HMRC will not issue warrants for arrest for non-payment and neither will the Police.
If you receive a call like this then you can report it to Action Fraud.
If you feel you may have been scammed in this way and have paid money during such a call please report it to your local Citizens Advice team who will pass the details on to our Trading Standards team.
For more information on how to protect yourself from scams see our website in the link below: https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/trading-standards/doorstep-crime-and-scams/
Please share and discuss this scam with others you feel may be vulnerable.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire