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1st October 2021 - Stoptober


Stoptober – a good time to think about giving your lungs a well-earned rest and recuperation. Did you know that it is never too late to quit smoking?

Lung tissue can and does regenerate – the minute you stop smoking your body begins to recover.

Start today and by the New Year, you really will be a new you.

In just three months after quitting your circulation will have improved, this increases blood flow to the heart and muscles, any coughs , wheezing or problems breathing you may be troubled with will improve considerably and your lung function will improve by 10%.


As we are all aware any addiction requires help, support to break the cycle.

Here are some ways to help you on your smoke free journey.

  • Get a plan together.
  • Inform friends and family of your intentions to quit. This will hopefully encourage them to support you.
  • Make a list of reasons to quit, set yourself a goal. Try saving the money you would spend on smoking and treat yourself or your family.
  • Avoid triggers. If associating a cigarette with a certain time of the day or place. Change your routine, avoid that area at that time if possible.
  • Keep busy. Go for a walk, take up a sport, take up a craft, join a club, you can even walk the dog or take the children on a bike ride.
  • Join a local support group, either face to face or on social media platforms.

There is free NHS support and advice at www.nhs.uk.

Support line 0330 123 1044

There are Stop smoking apps, which are really useful, with great tips to follow.

A free 12 week quit programme is also offered by our Stop Smoking Service -

Smoke Free Life Berkshire

0800 622 6360 | 0118 449 2026 | text QUIT to 66777



Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire