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27th May 2021 - Stray Dog Rescued from Manhole in Bracknell

Stray Dog Rescued from Manhole in Bracknell

Our Animal Warden Officers were called out to help care for a stray dog who had fallen down a manhole in Bracknell earlier this month. Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue were called by a member of the public who had identified there was a dog down the manhole. The team from RBFS rescued the frightened animal who thankfully, did not sustain any major physical injuries from his ordeal. The RSPCA and our Animal Warden worked together in attempt to trace the dog’s owner, but unfortunately no details were held on the microchip.

Our Officers identified the dog as a known stray that had been alluding them for some time over a vast, rural area despite several attempts to locate/capture him. So we are seeing this as ‘blessing in disguise’, in that he is finally safe and sound, has received veterinary care and lots of TLC.

Zero is now with Dogs Trust and is looking for a new home. As a stray, and after a traumatic event, such as his fall down the manhole, he needs a quiet, peaceful, and understanding home where he will have plenty of time to settle before starting to learn more about his new life.

Jenny Hopkins, Assistant Manager at Dogs Trust Newbury, said:

“It was heart-breaking to hear about how Zero was found before coming into our care, but, despite his ordeal, he has settled in well and has become a firm favourite with his canine carers. He is slowly coming out of his shell and showing us more and more of his personality each day. We’ve discovered he loves food and carrying his toys around with him!


“Since going up for adoption, we’ve had lots of interest in Zero and he is due to meet a potential new family over the next few day, which is great news. Fingers crossed, he’ll be on his way to the forever home he deserves really soon.”


For more information on Zero or any of the other dogs at Dogs Trust Newbury, visit www.dogstrust.org.uk :

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire