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17 September 2020 - Successful Outcome Following Bonfire Nuisance Complainants

Successful Outcome Following Bonfire Nuisance Complainants 

Our Community Trading Standards team recently received reports regarding a Wokingham resident who was having numerous bonfires over the period of a few weeks. These bonfires were affecting surrounding neighbour’s use of their gardens and they were unable to open their windows due to the smoke and smell.

Our officer visited the house and spoke with the resident concerning the affect their behaviour was having on surrounding neighbours. They apologised and stated they would have no more bonfires.

After the visit we informed those who had raised the issue with us of our action. The residents were greatly appreciative and there have been no further bonfires.

This is a typical example of the great work the Community Trading Standards team are doing on a day by day basis across Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham. Sometimes all that's required is making people aware of the nuisance they are causing and they'll stop.

Bonfires can easily cause a nuisance with your neighbours and may result in emergency services having to be called out if things get out of hand. We ask that you are considerate to your neighbours with regards to bonfires. Stop and think - do you really need to have a bonfire? Could you take your waste to a Household Waste Recycling Centre (tips)? Or could you use a Licensed Waste Disposal company as an alternative?

If you do decide you need to have a bonfire please remember the following to make sure you are not causing a nuisance to your neighbours:

  • only burn dry material.
  • never burn household rubbish, rubber tyres, or anything containing plastic, foam or paint.
  • never use old engine oil, methylated spirits or petrol to light the fire or encourage it to burn.
  • avoid lighting a fire in unsuitable weather conditions - smoke hangs in the air on damp, still days and in the evening - if it is windy, smoke may be blown into neighbours' gardens and across roads or could easily spread.
  • chat to your neighbours if you are going to have a bonfire.

If you feel a bonfire near you is causing a nuisance then please contact us using the following link:


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire