Summary of Wedding Reception Restrictions Relating to COVID
We realise how important weddings are to a couple, their families and friends. Let alone to a whole industry of suppliers whose income is reliant on such events taking place. It is natural to want as many people as possible to share in the celebrations. As some COVID restrictions are gently eased and wedding receptions are once again allowed, it might be tempting to invite too many guests to such a celebration. However, by their very nature, in bringing families and friends together, they are particularly vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19.
PPP would like to remind couples, venues and wedding caterers and other suppliers of the current COVID guidelines with regards to wedding receptions:
- Weddings and civil partnerships can now take place, but only in a COVID-19 secure environment/venue. Such events should not take place in people’s private homes (or adjoining outdoor spaces like gardens), given that these will not have the same COVID-19 Secure measures in place.
- It is against the law for gatherings of more than 30 people to take place in private homes (including gardens and other outdoor spaces), unless planned by an organisation in compliance with COVID-19 secure guidance.
- Capacity at a wedding or civil partnership reception or celebration (including the couple, guests and third-party suppliers, but not venue staff or third-party catering staff) should be no more than 30 and safely accommodated with social distancing in a COVID-19 secure venue.
- It is crucial that all staff, guests and third-party suppliers are not showing any symptoms of COVID-19. Anyone displaying symptoms should stay at home and get tested.
- Wherever possible guests should remain seated to support social distancing safety measures. They should be reminded at key points during the events to maintain social distancing and to avoid physical contact with individuals from different households.
- Guests and staff are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering where social distancing may be difficult.
- Test and Trace - Venue managers should record the names and contact details of all persons attending, or supplying goods to a reception.
- Dancing should not be permitted due to the increased risk of transmission.
For full details of the guidance see link below:
If you are a venue, wedding supplier or couple looking to get married and are unsure what's allowed, or need further support on a COVID-19 Risk Assessment or how to make your venue COVID-19 secure then please talk to us on 01635 519930 or email Trading Standards or email