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12th April 2023 - Thames Valley Police warn residents to be vigilant so as not to become victim to distraction thieves

Thames Valley Police warn residents to be vigilant so as not to become victim to distraction thieves

Although many criminals now use 'on-line' or 'telephone' scams, some offenders still use older personal scams in order to steal others property. 

Recently 2 men wearing Hi-Vis jackets, and claiming to be from the “Water Board” targeted an elderly lady on the Embrook estate area. Calling at her home they claimed she had a huge amount of water leaking and could they look to see where it was coming from. The aggrieved let them look around the loft and garage. The males took her name and telephone number and left. They then phoned her back a few minutes later to say she must have left her garden hose on and that’s where the leak is from. Aggrieved checked and there was no leak. Aggrieved then found her phone was not working for the next couple of days and when she eventually contacted her water provider they had no knowledge of this.

Protect yourself and your property by following these simple safety tips;

  • If you are not sure who is at the door, Don’t open it!
  • Check the identity of the caller, ask for their ID Card, and call the company they claim to be from, getting the phone number from a directory or on line, not from the caller.
  • Don’t let anyone in until you are satisfied.
  • If in doubt keep them out!

It is important to remember that nowadays utilities are supplied by private companies and there is no longer any such thing as a Water Board, or Gas Board, they are obsolete phrases used by bogus callers.

In another incident this week a lady who had returned to her car in a supermarket car park was approached by an olive skinned middle aged looking male who told her someone had bashed the rear of her car, the woman got out of her car to inspect the apparent damage and whilst doing so and distracted by the man, another individual opened the front passenger door and removed her mobile phone and bank cards from her handbag.

Similar distracting techniques used by thieves on other occasions as the victim loads their shopping into their car have included asking them to sign something, or to look at a map and give directions. Thieves in such incidents have probably just seen the victim enter the PIN whilst paying with a card in the store, or getting cash from an ATM.

Remain alert to anyone approaching you, or been near you when you use an ATM or a payment machine and shield the key pad as you enter your PIN.

If you see or suspect that a crime is taking place, please call the police on 999. If you have any information regarding these offences or witness any suspicious activity, please use our online reporting form at www.thamesvalley.police.uk or call 101. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on free phone 0800 555 111.

Please share this information with friends and family members, especially if they are vulnerable or elderly.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire