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09 December 2020 - The PPP are Here to Support Businesses and Help them Navigate their way through Covid Guidelines and Regs

The PPP Here to Support Businesses

Two of our officers were out on Covid patrol visits last week in Newbury and then onto Wokingham. It was the end of a long, cold day visiting numerous shops, cafés, pubs and warehouses.
On their way back to their cars they noticed a nail bar which had re-opened that day. The officers could see how much work the business owners had put in in order to comply with strict Covid safety rules. The officers decided to pop in and congratulate them in person.
So in front of all their customers, who were either sitting waiting patiently for their treatment in masks or having their manicures, the officers said how impressed they were that the business had put up all the relevant posters that explained to customers the need to wear masks, keep socially distanced at all times, and to use the NHS QR code. The officers pointed out how well they’d set up the various stations with Perspex screens in between stations, keeping both customers and staff safe. All staff were wearing both face coverings and visors, as advised in the HM Government Close Contact Guidelines. The staff all smiled and thanked the officers and the officers then left. Upon leaving they looked back and noticed all the customers in the shop giving the staff a round of applause showing their appreciation of how well they had done.
The officers left with spring in their step knowing they’d helped make a small business feel a little better that day. A great way for the officers to end a long day too.
The PPP are here to help local businesses navigate their way through the Covid regulations and guidelines and when we see a job well done we’ll congratulate you too.
For up to date guidance on Covid regulations visit our COVID page here.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire