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5th January 2022 - Thinking about giving dry January a go?

Thinking about giving dry January a go?

So the festive season has ended and the New Year has begun. So why not try taking part in dry January? Dry January is the UK's one-month alcohol-free challenge. It isn’t about giving anything up. It’s about getting something back. 

By not drinking alcohol for one month

  • 70% of people slept better
  • 86% saved money
  • 65% noticed that their general health had improved

Top tips:

Don’t buy alcohol – if it’s not there the temptation is reduced.

Try having a dry January buddy or friendship group – quitting is always easier with support from others.

Try drinking non-alcoholic drinks when going out, or have a get together with friends making mocktails – the benefits are not having to pay out for a taxi and no hangover in the morning.

Do it for a charity – arrange for friends and family to sponsor you for your chosen charity to complete dry January. You become healthier and a charity’s money pot becomes healthier too.

For more help and advice see link here. 


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire