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8th July 2022 - Trader ordered to pay over £4000 by Reading Magistrates Court

Trader ordered to pay over £4000 by Reading Magistrates Court

Haydn Brown, aged 29 of, Three Mile Cross, Wokingham trading as “Browns Fencing” or “Haydn Fencing” pleaded guilty at Reading Crown Court on 1st July 2022 to 3 offences contrary to Regulations 5 and 9 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 of engaging in a misleading commercial practice.

Haydn Brown trading variously as “Brown’s Fencing” and “Haydn’s Fencing” engaged in a course of conduct between 23.6.20 AND 29.5.21 where he advertised, quoted and made various representations to supply a service to install fencing, posts, gates etc. to three consumers, which was misleading in that false and untruthful information was given to each consumer in relation to the main characteristics of the service, namely the execution, method and date of provision of the fencing products and installation service.

Three consumers reported Mr. Brown as having quoted for fencing work to be carried out, requested and received large deposits and then never actually carried out the work following continuous excuses or not responding to calls or messages.

The Magistrates’ sentenced Mr. Brown to pay a fine of £300 (£100 per offence).  He was also ordered to pay compensation in the sum of £2,740 and prosecution costs of £1,000 together with a victim sur-charge of £34.  This was a total of £4,074.  The Magistrates’ took into account the Defendant’s guilty plea and mitigation.  Mr. Brown explained he had developed a gambling addiction during this period.  He had tried to pay everyone back but when the letter came through realised there were still three more people to pay.  The Magistrates’ explained they had found what they had heard interesting but also worrying and were hoping Mr. Brown will not do this again and take into account what it must have been like for these people who had lost their money.

If you have concerns that you or friends, relatives or neighbours in Bracknell, West Berkshire or Wokingham, may be victims of trading related crime to contact the trading standards service on 01635 519930 or e-mail tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk. If a crime is in progress call 999.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire