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13th September 2023 - Trading Standards Officer visits Bracknell Store Following Complaint of no Labelling

Trading Standards Officers visits Bracknell store following complaint of no labelling

Our Trading Standards officers were out and about earlier this month in Bracknell visiting a retailer following a complaint from a member of the public.
The complaint had been that the shop in question had no prices for items in the shop. Either on the shelf or the individual items, and that prices were manually entered into the till without producing an itemised receipt.
During our inspection we found that although there was an attempt to price some items up, the majority of the stock was unpriced. When asked how customers were to know the price the shop worker said they “just needed to ask”.
The instruction was given to ensure all items in the shop had a clear, either on the shelf or a price label on the product.
Our officers will revisit soon to ensure that those instructions have been adhered to.
See link below to for ‘Product Labelling and the Law’.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire