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2nd November 2022 - Trading Standards Officers find Rats Nest under Bonnet in Used Car for Sale

Trading Standards Officers find Rats Nest under Bonnet in Used Car for Sale

PPP Trading Standards Officers found a rat’s nest, under a car bonnet, in a used car for sale as part of checks conducted last month on second-hand car dealers.

At the end of October our Trading Standards Officers conducted Fair Trading and Safety checks at a number of second-hand car dealers across West Berkshire and Wokingham. The premises were selected based on those that had received the highest number of complaints over the past 12 months.

The objective was to ensure that the used cars on sale in our area are roadworthy, as described and, whether sold face to face or online, that a consumers statutory rights are not being restricted or denied.

Our officers ensure all traders are complying with the following legislation which then provides a level playing field for business.

  • Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRs).
  • The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013
  • The Consumer Rights Act 2015
  • The Road Traffic Act 1988 and the General Product Safety Regulations 2005

In total, 12 premises were visited and 51 vehicles were checked for mileages and descriptions and 20 vehicles examined by independent vehicle engineers.

On the whole most vehicles and premises were found to be compliant with just a few areas where we advised the business owners of some areas they need to work on. These centered on their refunds policy/statutory rights and distance selling requirements.  

However, we did also find one vehicle which had a rats nest under the bonnet. The rats had eaten all the bonnet lining and chewed through a coolant tube.  This car also had a weed growing out of the wheel arch. This car was for sale at £1895. 

If you are looking to buy a second hand vehicle check what to look for in our guide in the link below:


If you have concerns with regards to a trader, or a vehicle you have purchased, you can contact our Trading Standards team on 01635 519930 or email tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk

Or use our online form here.


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire